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While technically any member of Phi Beta Kappa is eligible to apply for membership in this Alumni Association, the area we serve comprises five counties in Southern California. These are Los Angeles, Ventura, Orange, San Bernardino, and Riverside Counties.  For a complete list of Associations available to PBK members, and information on how to contact them, see the Directory on the Phi Beta Kappa Society website.


Alpha Association's current dues are $35.  While we are currently not able to handle online membership applications, that capability is coming soon.  In the meantime, to apply for membership, please print the membership form and send your completed form, along with your membership dues and generous scholarship donations to:

PBK Alumni in Southern California

568 Almar Avenue

Pacific Palisades, CA 90272

Any changes in your Alpha Association membership information (such as address or e-mail changes), should be e-mailed to info@pbksocalalumni.com.  While we routinely notify the National Society of these changes, our databases are not currently linked.  We recommend that you also notify Phi Beta Kappa Society with your most current information.


568 Almar Avenue

Pacific Palisades, CA 90272


Phi Beta Kappa Alumni in Southern California is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization

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