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To read more about these and other wonderful events that PBK Southern California has held in the past, please be sure to check out our newsletters page.


Free Membership Appreciation Event - Taco Party at Kenneth Hahn State Park

National Women's History Museum President Frédérique Irwin and Associate Educator, Digital Learning and Innovation, Emma Rothberg. The event, "The Power of Story: Perspectives from the National Women's History Museum"

VIP Ticket Experience to See the LA Sparks Play the Atlanta Dream


Dr. Benjamin M. Friedman, Harvard Professor, "Religion and the Rise of Capitalism"

Taifha Alexander, UCLA Law CRT Forward Project Director, and Laura Gómez, UCLA professor and co-founder and past director of UCLA's Critical Race Studies Program discussed the founding and contributions of and recent assault on Critical Race Theory (CRT)


Private VIP Tour of SoFi Stadium

Dr. P. Gabrielle Foreman, 2022 MacArthur Fellow and Phi Beta Kappa Visiting Scholar,  "The Colored Conventions Movement: Black Organizing in the Nineteenth Century"


Fall Events:

Dr. Birute Mary Galdikas, "Understanding the Great Apes: Fifty Years with Orangutans"

Key Connections: Puzzle Hunt with David Kwong

Spring Program:

"The Search for Life in the Universe." Co-sponsored by Harvard Alumni Club and Phi Beta Kappa in Southern California

“From the Possibility to the Certainty of a Supermassive Black Hole" Dr. Andrea Ghez, 2020 Nobel Prize Winner


Fall Event:

Vanda Krefft, Author of The Man Who Made the Movies The Meteoric Rise and Tragic Fall of William Fox

In Conversation with Marc Wanamaker, Film Historian

Spring Program:

U.S.S. Iowa Tour


Fall Events:

Key Connections: San Antonio Winery Tour

(En)Lightning Talks Los Angeles

Spring Program:

Luncheon with Emily Lakdawalla (senior Editor and Planetary Evangelist) of the Planetary Society and Frederick M. Lawrence, Secretary and CEO, Phi Beta Kappa Society


Fall Program:

The Broad: An Inside View

Spring Program:

An Inside View: Highlights of the Newly Renovated

Richard Nixon Presidential Library and Museum


Fall Program:

Japanese Immigrants and the Legal Struggle for Equality

Dr. Megan Asaka

Winter Program:

Inspiration: A Multimedia Exploration of Composers' Sources of Inspiration and How They Are Translated into Music

Dr. Alan Chapman

Spring Program and Annual Meeting:

Interplanetary Navigation: Hitting a "Hole in One"

Dr. William Owen, Jr.


Fall Program:

Sing a Song of Ella

Dr. Thom Mason, USC Pro­fes­sor of Jazz Stud­ies and Founder of the Jazz Stud­ies Depart­ment at the Thorn­ton School of Music,  gave a mul­ti­me­dia pre­sen­ta­tion on on the life and music of Ella Fitzger­ald, with rare pho­tos, videos and inter­views pro­vided by the Ella Fitzger­ald Foun­da­tion, to a lively and appreciative audience. 

Winter Program:

Behind the Scenes at the L.A. Opera

LA Opera Senior Direc­tor of Pro­duc­tion Rupert Hem­ming greeted Alpha Chap­ter mem­bers in the Dorothy Chan­dler Pavil­ion to explain the intri­ca­cies of pro­duc­ing world-class opera. Behind him on the stage, the sets for the upcom­ingGhosts of Ver­sailles were being assem­bled. Mr. Hem­ming gave us a fas­ci­nat­ing look at the dif­fi­cul­ties and rewards of mount­ing opera pro­duc­tions.

Fol­low­ing Mr. Hem­ming's pre­sen­ta­tion, the mem­ber­ship was treated to a lively expo­si­tion on the "Figaro trio" presented over the 2014-15 season by the LA Opera  (Rossini's Bar­ber of Seville, Mozart's Mar­riage of Figaro,  and Corigliano's The Ghosts of Ver­sailles).

Spring Program and Annual Meeting:

How I Killed Pluto

Astronomer Michael E. Brown, Pro­fes­sor at Cal­Tech, with his team has discovered many TNOs (Trans-Neptune Objects), including the "dwarf" planet ERIS. He is the author of the 2010 book, How I Killed Pluto and Why It Had It Coming.  In his illustrated talk, he discussed Pluto and its "demotion" and explored in depth several other discoveries and their implications.


568 Almar Avenue

Pacific Palisades, CA 90272


Phi Beta Kappa Alumni in Southern California is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization

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