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The Search for Life in the Universe

  • Sunday, January 24, 2021
  • 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
  • Online

Registration is closed

This event is sponsored by Harvard Club and PBK. Please follow the link to register (it's free). Do read the following instructions before you click.


1) Click the link.

2) On the new page you will see a second link that says "Click Here to Register" or "Click Here to Buy Tickets."

3) Click either of these links. They lead to the same page.

4) On the new page you will see a link that says "Add To Cart." This is the link to add a ticket to your cart.

5) Click this link. 

6) You will then see a screen where if you scroll down there is a link for "Faculty, Staff, Parents, and Non-Alumni Members and Guests" (the last line, KEEP SCROLLING until you see it). It is BELOW the HarvardKEY login icon and is in small type.

7) Click that link.

8) Setup a free Non-Alumni Login on the part of the page that now appears (please fill out the right side which is titled "New To Our Site?")

9) You will be emailed a temp password which you can then use to login (on the same page as (8) above, just on the left hand side "Existing Users")

10) Tickets are free so once you login, you should see the ticket in your cart, and you may then checkout--the system has your email address and will be able to send you a Zoom link as the event gets closer.


856 Wellesley Avenue

Los Angeles, CA 90049


Phi Beta Kappa Alumni in Southern California is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization

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